Thursday 26 March 2020

closure work 1 : spirited away



In this scene the settings is on the side of the bath house where Chihrio is going to Kamaji to ask to get a job but to do so she must not be seen otherwise she will be in big trouble. The stairs are not very safe they look old and has no handle bars to hold onto also they are open stair case so it makes it even more scary to walk down  you would be in a very nasty situation if you where to fall maybe even die. The meaning of settings is so you know what the character is doing or what their lifestyle is say if the character lives somewhere really broken and sketchy you would know they didn't grow up in a good surrounding.


in the scene it doesn't use any props but its effective in any movie or clips for. Props can tell a story it can show you what a character is like or what kind of situation the character is like say the main character is holding a knife this suggest to us that maybe the character is evil trying to kill someone or is trying to defend themselves or could be cooking just from one prop it can tell a lot about a person.


Chihrio in the scene is wearing here normal clothes a stripy green and white t-shirt and shorts. You would wear for a weekend or any day this is because she didn't know that she would be in this different world when she was moving house Chihrio knew nothing about this. As for the other elements costumes tell a lot about a person like what age they are, if they are rich or poor, or even if they have good fashion sense you can tell a lot about a person just about their clothes.

hair and makeup:

In the whole movie Chihrio doesn't actually wear any make-up because she is quite young but she does have her hair tied up in a high pony tail throughout the movie because its much easier to cope and its not in her face. Hair and makeup is essential in a movie because it put the whole look together as I said for costume, props, and settings it creates an atmosphere of what the characters like. They could be covered in blood or maybe have loads of makeup on or have makeup to make you look weak and tired using makeup it can change the whole movie.


when Chihrio is going down the stairs she is very scarred so she is sitting going down the stairs one by one but then one of the stairs break so she goes sliding down them and screaming then crashing into the wall where she is now safe. The music in the back ground of this scene is very quiet I cant explain the music but its as if you are waiting for something to happen or it sounds like you are very curious. Sound can be for movies to create ambiance the music can become loud-  intense or loud - quiet or it could just be complete silence


In this scene its actually quiet dark because in the world Chihrio is in everything happens at nigh and then everyone is asleep in the day but its especially dark because there is no light on the side of the Bathhouse expect form at the bottom of the stair case where there is a small door to Kamaji. Lighting in movies are used to also create atmosphere like say in a horror movie it wouldn't be all nice in a summers day nice and bright and colourful it would be dark barley any light or maybe some on the characters face but like I said not that much lighting.


Overall in this scene the cinematography is quiet basic we have medium shot, high angle shot, establishing shot. Cinematography is used to spice up the movie it would be so boring if the camera crew did the same shots and its good to experiment them so a close-up its to show emotion on the characters face or a wide shot to she what is in the frame what everyone else is doing in that scene.


There is an a close up in this scene which is basically the camera is quite close to the character to show emotion like shocked, scared, happy. Also there is a point of view angle which you are looking what the character is doing say if its watching TV or maybe they are running and we see what its like it could be anything. Editing just like cinematography it spices up the movie.

character movement and expression:

when Chihrio is going down the stairs we can tell by her movement and expression that she is scared she goes down them very slowly step by step and doesn't want to open her eyes latter on she starts screaming while running down the stairs as one of them breaks. Character expression and movement shows the audience what the character is feeling weather its scared happy or frustrated or maybe the way they walk or talk gives you some ideas about them.

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